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Biology 6 to 12

Test Format and Sample Questions

The Biology 6 to 12 subject area test consists of approximately 80 multiple-choice questions. You will have two and one-half hours to complete the test.

Each of the questions will contain four response options. You will choose the best response out of the available options, and indicate A, B, C, or D.

The table below presents types of questions on the exam and directs you to examples of these formats among the sample items that follow.

Table of Question Formats

Type of Question Sample Question
Select the best response option.
Question 2
Examine a situation, problem, or case study. Then answer a question, make a diagnosis, or recommend a course of action by selecting the best response option.
Question 6
Sentence Completion
Select the response option that best completes the sentence.
Question 15
Direct Question
Choose the response option that best answers the question.
Question 29

Sample Questions

The following questions represent both the form and content of questions on the examination. These questions will acquaint you with the general format of the examination; however, these sample questions do not cover all of the competencies and skills that are tested and will only approximate the degree of examination difficulty.

Question 1

Competency 1—Knowledge of the investigative processes of science

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which sequence of events best describes a common scientific research methodology?

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Correct Response: B.

Question 2

Competency 1—Knowledge of the investigative processes of science

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Biology students performed an experiment to determine the effect of temperature on heart rate in the crustacean Daphnia. Each group of students exposed Daphnia to varying temperatures from 0 °C to 30 °C and measured the number of heartbeats per minute for three Daphnia after 1 minute of exposure to each temperature. An average was taken for the three Daphnia at each temperature. Identify the independent variable for this experiment.

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Correct Response: B.

Question 3

Competency 1—Knowledge of the investigative processes of science

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

To be effective, a simple experiment must

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Correct Response: C.

Question 4

Competency 1—Knowledge of the investigative processes of science

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which of the following types of data is considered quantitative?

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Correct Response: A.

Question 5

Competency 2—Knowledge of the interactions between science, technology, and society

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Farmers currently use genetically enhanced varieties of seed because these varieties

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Correct Response: A.

Question 6

Competency 2—Knowledge of the interactions between science, technology, and society

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

A student finds a bat sleeping on the ground outside the school and asks to bring it inside to show the class. The teacher should deny this request and caution everyone to stay away from the bat because bats are

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Correct Response: D.

Question 7

Competency 3—Knowledge of the chemical processes of living things

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which of the following participants in chemical reactions are most likely to be regenerated and not appear in the net reactions?

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Correct Response: D.

Question 8

Competency 3—Knowledge of the chemical processes of living things

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

NAD+ functions in the citric acid cycle as a(an)

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Correct Response: B.

Question 9

Competency 3—Knowledge of the chemical processes of living things

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

What is the most likely effect on plant tissue of an excess of sodium chloride in soil?

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Correct Response: D.

Question 10

Competency 3—Knowledge of the chemical processes of living things

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Chemosynthetic microbes provide the foundation for biological colonization of

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Correct Response: A.

Question 11

Competency 4—Knowledge of the interactions between cell structure and cell function

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

White blood cells that engulf and destroy bacteria in the human body have structures containing hydrolytic enzymes that digest the bacteria. These structures are called

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Correct Response: B.

Question 12

Competency 4—Knowledge of the interactions between cell structure and cell function

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which of the following activities occurs during cytokinesis?

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Correct Response: D.

Question 13

Competency 4—Knowledge of the interactions between cell structure and cell function

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Nutrient ions are present in the groundwater in lower concentrations than they are in cells of plant root hairs. What process is responsible for moving the ions across the cell membrane?

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Correct Response: D.

Question 14

Competency 5—Knowledge of genetic principles, processes, and applications

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

In human blood types, a person with both the A allele and the B allele will have type AB blood that has antibodies reflecting the presence of both alleles; therefore, the A and B alleles show

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Correct Response: A.

Question 15

Competency 5—Knowledge of genetic principles, processes, and applications

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

A genetic disorder caused by the movement of a segment of chromosome 22 to chromosome 9 is an example of a(an)

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Correct Response: C.

Question 16

Competency 6—Knowledge of the structural and functional diversity of viruses and prokaryotic organisms

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

The characteristic unique to a virus when compared to a bacterium is that the virus

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Correct Response: D.

Question 17

Competency 6—Knowledge of the structural and functional diversity of viruses and prokaryotic organisms

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which of the following infections is caused by a retrovirus?

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Correct Response: C.

Question 18

Competency 6—Knowledge of the structural and functional diversity of viruses and prokaryotic organisms

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

The introduction of genetic material by an infectious bacteriophage is called

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Correct Response: C.

Question 19

Competency 7—Knowledge of the structural and functional diversity of protists, fungi, and plants

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Dormancy in seeds is likely to be advantageous for which of the following reasons?

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Correct Response: D.

Question 20

Competency 7—Knowledge of the structural and functional diversity of protists, fungi, and plants

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Plants with thick cuticles and sunken stomata are most likely to occur in environments characterized by a(an)

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Correct Response: B.

Question 21

Competency 7—Knowledge of the structural and functional diversity of protists, fungi, and plants

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Fruits contribute to the success of angiosperms by

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Correct Response: B.

Question 22

Competency 8—Knowledge of the structural and functional diversity of animals

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which of the following glands is both endocrine and exocrine?

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Correct Response: B.

Question 23

Competency 8—Knowledge of the structural and functional diversity of animals

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which of the following vitamins helps regulate the blood calcium level?

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Correct Response: D.

Question 24

Competency 8—Knowledge of the structural and functional diversity of animals

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Exaggerated and stylized grooming, preening, and food-gathering behaviors of birds are elaborate communications related to

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Correct Response: D.

Question 25

Competency 9—Knowledge of ecological principles and processes

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Within which level of organization can gene flow occur?

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Correct Response: C.

Question 26

Competency 9—Knowledge of ecological principles and processes

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which of the following groups consists entirely of ways that carbon is released into the atmosphere?

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Correct Response: C.

Question 27

Competency 9—Knowledge of ecological principles and processes

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which of the following associations of a plant with its habitat is an example of secondary succession?

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Correct Response: C.

Question 28

Competency 9—Knowledge of ecological principles and processes

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Florida's cypress forests are being depleted mainly due to

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Correct Response: A.

Question 29

Competency 10—Knowledge of evolutionary mechanisms

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Which example best illustrates a mechanism consistent with the process of punctuated equilibrium?

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Correct Response: A.

Question 30

Competency 10—Knowledge of evolutionary mechanisms

DIRECTIONS: Read the question and select the best response.

Stanley Miller and Harold Urey's classic experiments showed that

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Correct Response: A.