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Spanish K–12
For Testing until 9/30/2023

Listening Skills

Test Format and Sample Questions

The Spanish K to 12 subject area test consists of sections that test your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills; your knowledge of Spanish-speaking cultures; of Spanish language structure and vocabulary; and of effective teaching and learning strategies based on second language acquisition principles. The test includes approximately 86 questions, and you will have two-and-one-half hours to complete the entire test.

Listening Skills

Recorded passages, of approximately one minute in length each, are used to test your listening skills. After each passage is played, one question is presented on the recording start emphasis in Spanish end emphasis . Neither the passage nor the question appears on the screen. The multiple-choice response options for each question are presented on the screen  start emphasis in Spanish end emphasis . You will select the best answer and indicate your choice by selecting A, B, or C.

Table of Question Formats

Question Format Sample Item
Listening passage
Listen to a recorded passage in informal or formal Spanish, such as a dialogue, interview, news item, short lecture on a familiar topic, or an informational report. After each recorded question, choose one of the response options by selecting A, B, or C.
Item 1

Sample Questions

The following questions represent both the form and content of questions on the examination. These questions will acquaint you with the general format of the examination; however, these sample questions do not cover all of the competencies and skills that are tested and will only approximate the degree of examination difficulty.

Question 1

Listening Skills Section

Competency 3—Proficiency in interpretive listening

DIRECTIONS: On the exam, you will hear a question in Spanish followed by a short passage or segment of dialogue in Spanish. Then the question will be repeated. The passage and the question will not be presented on the screen. For each question, you will choose the best response option and indicate your choice by selecting A, B, or C. You will have 10 seconds to indicate your response before you are automatically advanced to the next item and the next question is presented. A countdown clock will be displayed on the screen directly below the audio player so you know how much time remains for you to select your answer.

[Question in Spanish on audio recording, followed by recorded discourse or speech of 50 seconds or less, then question repeated in Spanish.]

¿Cuál es el propósito principal del informe?

¿Le gusta viajar para conocer otras culturas? ¿Le gustaría hospedarse en una aldea indígena? ¿aprender sobre tradiciones ancestrales? ¿comprar artesanía directamente del artesano? ¡Lo invitamos a hacer etnoturismo en Panamá!

Panamá cuenta con siete etnias indígenas. . . . Estos pueblos indígenas representan el 10% de la población nacional. Muchos viven en comarcas— territorios autónomos donde mantienen su propia forma de autogobierno—y se dedican a la pesca, la caza o la agricultura.

La comarca de Kuna Yala, en el archipiélago de San Blas, es la pionera del etnoturismo. Desde hace décadas recibe a miles de turistas, generando de esta actividad unos 80 mil dólares al año. Según el reglamento de la comarca, cada visitante debe pagar dos dólares al desembarcar y también debe comportarse según el reglamento: no puede andar en traje de baño por las áreas habitadas y no puede sacar fotos sin el permiso de los habitantes.

From "Panama" Conversación y repaso 2013 Heinle/ELT, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permission.

¿Cuál es el propósito principal del informe?

Choose an answer
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
Correct Response: C.

Question 2

Listening Skills Section

Competency 3—Proficiency in interpretive listening

DIRECTIONS: On the exam, you will hear a question in Spanish followed by a short passage or segment of dialogue in Spanish. Then the question will be repeated. The passage and the question will not be presented on the screen. For each question, you will choose the best response option and indicate your choice by selecting A, B, or C. You will have 10 seconds to indicate your response before you are automatically advanced to the next item and the next question is presented. A countdown clock will be displayed on the screen directly below the audio player so you know how much time remains for you to select your answer.

[Question in Spanish on audio recording, followed by recorded discourse or speech of 50 seconds or less, then question repeated in Spanish.]

¿Por qué está tan preocupada Rosa?

Rosa: ¡Hola, Antonio! ¿Qué tal?

Antonio: ¡Hola, Rosa! Estoy bien, ¿y tú?

Rosa: Pues, si te digo la verdad, estoy muy preocupada. Toda la familia viene a casa el domingo a celebrar el cumpleaños de mi hijo, pero llevo toda la semana trabajando sin parar y no he tenido tiempo de hacer la compra. Y le prometí a mi hijo que le haría su plato favorito: empanadas. ¡No sé qué hacer!

Antonio: ¡Qué apuro, Rosa! ¿Quieres que te ayude? No tengo nada que hacer el sábado y me encanta hacer empanadas.

Rosa: ¡Ay, Antonio! ¡Cuánto te lo agradezco! Ahora me siento mucho mejor. Te doy dinero y haces la compra. ¿De acuerdo?

Antonio: De acuerdo. Voy al supermercado ahora mismo. Te veo en tu casa dentro de dos horas.

Rosa: Mil gracias, Antonio. ¡Hasta pronto!

¿Por qué está tan preocupada Rosa?

Choose an answer
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
Correct Response: A.

Question 3

Listening Skills Section

Competency 3—Proficiency in interpretive listening

DIRECTIONS: On the exam, you will hear a question in Spanish followed by a short passage or segment of dialogue in Spanish. Then the question will be repeated. The passage and the question will not be presented on the screen. For each question, you will choose the best response option and indicate your choice by selecting A, B, or C. You will have 10 seconds to indicate your response before you are automatically advanced to the next item and the next question is presented. A countdown clock will be displayed on the screen directly below the audio player so you know how much time remains for you to select your answer.

[Question in Spanish on audio recording, followed by recorded discourse or speech of 50 seconds or less, then question repeated in Spanish.]

¿Cuál es el propósito principal de este comentario?

El ejercicio físico es muy importante para la persona que quiere mantenerse en forma. Además, la dieta tiene mucho que ver con la salud. Por lo tanto hay que ser consciente no sólo de lo que uno come, sino también de lo que uno hace.

¿Cuál es el propósito principal de este comentario?

Choose an answer
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
Correct Response: C.

Question 4

Listening Skills Section

Competency 3—Proficiency in interpretive listening

DIRECTIONS: On the exam, you will hear a question in Spanish followed by a short passage or segment of dialogue in Spanish. Then the question will be repeated. The passage and the question will not be presented on the screen. For each question, you will choose the best response option and indicate your choice by selecting A, B, or C. You will have 10 seconds to indicate your response before you are automatically advanced to the next item and the next question is presented. A countdown clock will be displayed on the screen directly below the audio player so you know how much time remains for you to select your answer.

[Question in Spanish on audio recording, followed by recorded discourse or speech of 50 seconds or less, then question repeated in Spanish.]

¿Qué se necesita para hacer esta receta?

Aquí hay una idea de cocinar sin estufa cuando hace mucho calor.

Se necesita:
una lechuga
un tomate
un pepino
una cebolla
aceite y vinagre al gusto

Corte la lechuga, el tomate, el pepino y la cebolla. Mezcle todos los ingredientes. Coloque en el bol. Añádale aceite y vinagre al gusto.

¿Qué se necesita para hacer esta receta?

Choose an answer
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
Correct Response: C.