Physical Education K–12

Test Competencies and Skills Worksheet

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Competency 1—Knowledge of the history and philosophy of the physical education profession

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Test Questions: 3%
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields. Check the box if the course indicated covers the content described by the skill listed.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Identify historical events and analyze trends that have influenced the physical education profession.
2. Relate the goals and values of physical education to the philosophies of education that they reflect.
Notes on Competency 1:

Competency 2—Knowledge of standards-based physical education curriculum development

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Test Questions: 10%
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields. Check the box if the course indicated covers the content described by the skill listed.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Identify and differentiate the characteristics of various curriculum models.
2. Identify and analyze various factors to consider in curriculum planning, such as student ability, time (e.g., class duration, time of day, frequency), environment, equipment, facilities, space, and community resources.
3. Identify ways that national and state documents, standards, benchmarks, and philosophies can be used to design and develop curricula.
4. Identify and apply principles of long- and short-term planning (e.g., scope and sequence, annual plan, unit plan, lesson plan, emergency plans) to maximize learner participation and success.
5. Identify cross-curricular content and concepts for the design and development of physical education learning experiences.
Notes on Competency 2:

Competency 3—Knowledge of developmentally appropriate physical education instructional strategies

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Test Questions: 13%
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields. Check the box if the course indicated covers the content described by the skill listed.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Identify and apply strategies and adaptations that address the diverse needs of all students (e.g., cultural, linguistic, cognitive, motor, experiential).
2. Identify and distinguish between teaching styles, communication delivery systems, and materials that facilitate student learning.
3. Identify and apply motivational theories and techniques that enhance student learning.
4. Analyze developmentally appropriate instructional strategies, techniques, and research-based teaching methods that promote student learning.
5. Identify feedback as a strategy to facilitate student learning.
6. Identify differentiated instructional practices that enhance student learning.
Notes on Competency 3:

Competency 4—Knowledge of human growth and development and motor learning as they relate to physical education

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Test Questions: 8%
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields. Check the box if the course indicated covers the content described by the skill listed.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Select developmentally appropriate practices that demonstrate knowledge of human growth and development.
2. Apply learning theories and knowledge of human development to construct a positive learning environment that supports psychomotor, cognitive, and affective development.
3. Apply principles of motor development and motor learning to skill acquisition.
4. Identify and apply the principles of sequential progression of motor skill development.
Notes on Competency 4:

Competency 5—Knowledge of developmentally appropriate movement skills and concepts related to physical education

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Test Questions: 12%
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields. Check the box if the course indicated covers the content described by the skill listed.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Identify and apply movement concepts (e.g., spatial awareness, body awareness, relationships, effort) as they relate to physical education.
2. Identify and apply the fundamental movement patterns, including locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills.
3. Identify and apply sequentially progressive activities that promote the acquisition of skills in the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains.
4. Identify and apply appropriate cues and prompts for teaching movement skills.
5. Apply mechanical principles of motion to various forms of movement.
6. Analyze the mechanics of a skill or sequence of movements and identify ways in which students can improve their performance.
7. Identify how components of skill-related fitness affect performance.
Notes on Competency 5:

Competency 6—Knowledge of lifetime health, wellness, and physical fitness

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Test Questions: 12%
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields. Check the box if the course indicated covers the content described by the skill listed.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Analyze data from physical fitness assessments and select strategies for improving student levels of health-related physical fitness.
2. Identify the health-related components in a personal fitness program.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of nutrition and exercise and their roles in meeting the needs of all students.
4. Identify health risks and benefits associated with physical activity.
5. Apply training principles and guidelines to improve personal fitness.
6. Identify exercises that benefit the major muscle groups of the human body.
7. Determine how human body systems (e.g., muscular, cardiovascular, nervous, skeletal) adapt to physical activity.
8. Identify the contributions of physical education to lifetime health, wellness, and physical fitness.
9. Identify community opportunities for participation in a variety of physical activities.
Notes on Competency 6:

Competency 7—Knowledge of cognitive, social, and emotional development through physical education and physical activity

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Test Questions: 7%
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields. Check the box if the course indicated covers the content described by the skill listed.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Identify the role physical education can play in developing an understanding of diversity.
2. Identify the role physical education and physical activity can play in developing responsible behaviors and values.
3. Identify the intellectual, sociological, and psychological benefits that occur through participation in physical activities.
4. Identify major factors associated with the development of social and emotional health through physical activity (e.g., communication skills, self-concept, fair play, conflict resolution, character development, stress management).
Notes on Competency 7:

Competency 8—Knowledge of various types of assessment strategies that can be used to determine student levels and needs in physical education

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Test Questions: 10%
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields. Check the box if the course indicated covers the content described by the skill listed.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Identify and apply assessment strategies, including authentic and traditional methods, for appropriate use within the cognitive domain.
2. Identify and apply assessment strategies, including authentic and traditional methods, for appropriate use within the affective domain.
3. Identify and apply assessment strategies, including authentic and traditional methods, for appropriate use within the psychomotor domain.
4. Analyze appropriate assessment strategies for curriculum design, lesson planning, and program evaluation.
5. Identify appropriate assessment strategies for an inclusive environment.
6. Determine appropriate physical fitness assessment strategies for use within physical education.
Notes on Competency 8:

Competency 9—Knowledge of strategies that promote an effective learning environment

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Test Questions: 7%
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields. Check the box if the course indicated covers the content described by the skill listed.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Identify procedures for selecting and maintaining appropriate equipment and facilities to enhance student learning.
2. Identify organizational strategies that create and sustain an effective learning environment (e.g., rituals and routines, maximum participation, rules and standards).
3. Identify supervisory and behavioral management techniques that enhance student learning.
4. Determine appropriate action for the care and prevention of injuries in physical education.
Notes on Competency 9:

Competency 10—Knowledge of laws, legislation, and liabilities that pertain to physical education

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Test Questions: 4%
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields. Check the box if the course indicated covers the content described by the skill listed.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Identify major federal and state legislation that impacts physical education.
2. Identify legal liabilities applicable to physical education.
Notes on Competency 10:

Competency 11—Knowledge of appropriate safety considerations, rules, strategies, and terminology related to physical education and a variety of physical activities

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Test Questions: 5%
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields. Check the box if the course indicated covers the content described by the skill listed.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Apply appropriate rules and strategies of play to game and sport situations.
2. Identify terminology for physical education and physical activities.
3. Identify safety considerations for a variety of physical activity settings.
Notes on Competency 11:

Competency 12—Knowledge of professional ethics, advocacy, and development

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Test Questions: 4%
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields. Check the box if the course indicated covers the content described by the skill listed.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Identify physical education professional development experiences that will enhance teacher effectiveness, promote collaboration, and improve student performance.
2. Identify professional organizations, professional literature, research, and other resources (e.g., code of ethics) that enhance a physical educator's continuous improvement.
3. Identify ways to advocate for physical education.
Notes on Competency 12:

Competency 13—Knowledge of the appropriate use of technology as related to physical education

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Test Questions: 5%
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields. Check the box if the course indicated covers the content described by the skill listed.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Determine the appropriate uses of technology in the physical education instructional process.
2. Determine the appropriate uses of technology in assessing student performance in physical education.
3. Identify ways that using technology in physical education supports cross-curricular learning.
4. Identify ways that all students can use technology in physical education.
Notes on Competency 13: