Elementary Education K–6
Subtest 1: Language Arts and Reading (601)

Test Competencies and Skills Worksheet

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Competency 1—Knowledge of the reading process

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Subtest Questions: 44%
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields, and checking the boxes if the content of the course covers the information described by the test skills in the rows below.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Identify and apply evidence-based practices to develop emergent literacy (e.g., oral language development, phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, phonics) and early literacy (e.g., phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension).
2. Identify appropriate stages of word recognition that lead to effective decoding (e.g., pre-alphabetic, partial-alphabetic, full-alphabetic, consolidated alphabetic, automatic stages).
3. Select and apply evidence-based practices for the development of decoding skills (e.g., blending and segmenting phonemes, continuous blending of graphemes and phonemes, syllabication, morphology).
4. Distinguish among the components of reading fluency (e.g., accuracy, automaticity, rate, prosody).
5. Select and apply evidence-based practices for developing reading fluency (e.g., practice with high-frequency words, grade-level texts, and grade-level sight words).
6. Identify and apply evidence-based practices for increasing vocabulary acquisition, reinforcing learned vocabulary, and integrating vocabulary across the content areas (e.g., word analysis, author's word choice, context clues, multiple exposures).
7. Identify and apply evidence-based practices for facilitating students' comprehension of informational and literary texts (e.g., summarizing, self-monitoring, questioning, using graphic and semantic organizers, modeling think-alouds, recognizing text structure).
8. Select and apply essential comprehension skills (e.g., recognizing central ideas and supporting details and facts, making inferences, drawing conclusions).
9. Analyze information presented in a variety of formats for different purposes (e.g., charts, tables, graphs, pictures, print and nonprint media).
Notes on Competency 1:

Competency 2—Knowledge of texts and text analysis

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Subtest Questions: 16%
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields, and checking the boxes if the content of the course covers the information described by the test skills in the rows below.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Differentiate among characteristics and elements of a variety of texts (e.g., realistic fiction, fantasy, poetry, informational texts).
2. Identify and analyze the use of literary devices (e.g., simile, metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia, hyperbole) and rhetorical appeals in literary and informational texts.
3. Evaluate and select a variety of texts based on purpose, relevance, and appropriateness.
4. Identify and apply evidence-based practices for facilitating students' analysis of, reflection on, and response to texts (e.g., think-pair-share, evidence-based discussion).
5. Analyze informational and argumentative texts for the central ideas and authors' claims (e.g., by using purpose, evidence, and reasoning).
6. Select and apply strategies for developing students' critical-reading skills (e.g., understand text features and text structures, explain author’s purpose or claims, identify supporting evidence, interpret figurative language, compare and contrast across texts).
Notes on Competency 2:

Competency 3—Knowledge of the writing process

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Subtest Questions: 10%
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields, and checking the boxes if the content of the course covers the information described by the test skills in the rows below.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Identify and evaluate the developmental stages of writing (e.g., drawing, dictating, writing).
2. Differentiate the stages of the writing process (i.e., prewriting, planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing).
3. Distinguish among the modes of writing (e.g., narrative, expository, argumentative) and select the appropriate mode of writing for a variety of occasions, purposes, and audiences.
4. Identify and apply instructional methods for teaching writing conventions (e.g., spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, word usage).
5. Determine and apply evidence-based practices for teaching expository, narrative, and argumentative writing, including how to use precise language, figurative language, transitional words and phrases, dialogue, and sentence variety.
Notes on Competency 3:

Competency 4—Knowledge of literacy instruction and assessments

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Subtest Questions: 20%
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields, and checking the boxes if the content of the course covers the information described by the test skills in the rows below.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Analyze and distinguish among the purposes and characteristics of different types of assessments (e.g., norm referenced, criterion referenced, diagnostic, curriculum based).
2. Select and apply oral and written methods for assessing student progress (e.g., informal reading inventories, fluency checks, rubrics, retellings, portfolios).
3. Analyze assessment data (e.g., screening, progress monitoring, diagnostic) to guide instructional decisions and differentiate instruction.
4. Analyze and interpret students' formal and informal assessment results to inform students and stakeholders.
5. Select appropriate classroom organizational formats (e.g., literature circles, small groups, conferences, workshops, reading centers, multiage groups) for specific instructional objectives.
6. Identify and apply evidence-based practices for the diagnosis, prevention, and intervention of common literacy difficulties.
Notes on Competency 4:

Competency 5—Knowledge of communication and media literacy

  • Approximate Percentage of Total Subtest Questions: 10%
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
Check this box if the course listed above covers the content described by this skill
This section of the worksheet allows users to map the test competencies and skills to the curriculum by entering up to six courses in the course name fields, and checking the boxes if the content of the course covers the information described by the test skills in the rows below.
Skills Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
1. Identify a variety of listening and speaking strategies (e.g., questioning, paraphrasing, vocal qualities, nonverbal cues).
2. Identify and apply instructional methods for developing students' abilities to use collaborative techniques and active-listening and speaking skills (e.g., discussing claims and justifying reasoning, building on ideas, propelling the conversation, using appropriate voice and tone).
3. Determine and apply instructional methods for teaching students how to conduct research by using a variety of reliable and valid sources (e.g., Internet, printed materials, artifacts, visual media, primary sources).
4. Determine and apply ethical processes (e.g., citation, paraphrasing) for collecting and presenting authentic information and avoiding plagiarism.
5. Select and apply strategies for guiding students in selecting multimedia elements to emphasize and enhance oral and written tasks.
Notes on Competency 5: