German K–12
For Testing until 9/30/2023
Multiple Choice Section
Test Format and Sample Questions
The German K to 12 subject area test is composed of two subtests. Subtest 1 assesses listening, reading, and writing skills as well as knowledge of the culture of German-speaking countries, the mechanics of the German language, and the teaching of German. Subtest 2, an oral interview, measures speaking skills. You must pass both subtests to receive a passing score on the exam. If you fail one, you may retake only that subtest.
Multiple Choice
This part of the test consists of multiple-choice items. Read the question, select the best answer, and indicate your choice by selecting A, B, C, or D.
The table below presents types of questions on the exam and directs you to examples of these formats among the sample items that follow.
Table of Question Formats
Question Format | Sample Items |
Reading comprehension and vocabulary Select the response option that best identifies, summarizes, or translates a short passage. |
Item 5 |
Language structures and linguistics Choose the response option that best completes a sentence or identifies a feature of German linguistic structures. |
Item 14 |
Culture Choose the response option that identifies features of the culture, arts and literature, history, geography, and socioeconomic and political institutions of Germany. Identify the relationships among the perspectives, products, and practices of the culture studied. |
Item 42 |
Pedagogy Choose the response option that best identifies methods, materials, and technologies used for teaching German or provides the best recommendation for a specific teaching situation. |
Item 49 |
Sample Questions
The following questions represent both the form and content of questions on the examination. These questions will acquaint you with the general format of the examination; however, these sample questions do not cover all of the competencies and skills that are tested and will only approximate the degree of examination difficulty.
Question 4
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 4—Ability to read at an advanced level German passages on a variety of personal, social, and general topics
DIRECTIONS: Read the passage and select the correct response.
Jugendherbergen sind nicht-kommerzielle Freizeiteinrichtungen, die allen Jugendlichen offenstehen. Sie fördern das gegenseitige Kennenlernen sowie die Toleranz gegenüber anderen Weltanschauungen und Gewohnheiten. Sie haben sich zu Stätten internationaler Begegnung entwickelt.
From G. Winkler, Komm Mit! (Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Austin, 2000), 32.
Was ist der Hauptvorteil von Jugendherbergen gemäß diesem Abschnitt?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 5
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 4—Ability to read at an advanced level German passages on a variety of personal, social, and general topics
DIRECTIONS: Read the passage and select the correct response.
Das Sprichwort "Arbeit macht das Leben süß" ist nicht mehr die Norm für die deutsche Haltung zur Arbeit. Die Deutschen finden Zeit für Hobbys und Familie von größerer Bedeutung als viel Geld zu verdienen. Nach einer Umfrage der Zeitschrift Stern (1993) sind für junge Leute ein gutes Arbeitsklima und eine sinnvolle Tätigkeit auch wichtiger als Karriere zu machen.
From Moeller, Liedloff, Adolph, Mabee, eds, Kaleidoskop (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1998).
Bestimmen Sie den Leitgedanken dieses Absatzes.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 6
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 4—Ability to read at an advanced level German passages on a variety of personal, social, and general topics
DIRECTIONS: Read the passage and select the correct response.
Vor einiger Zeit führte ein Fernsehsender folgenden Test durch: Zwei Familien erklärten sich bereit, vier Wochen lang ohne Fernsehen zu leben. In der einen Familie wussten die Leute einfach nicht mehr, was sie ohne Fernseher anfangen sollten. Sie saßen da und starrten sich an. Sie hatten vergessen, wie man sich unterhält, wie man sich amüsiert. Sie langweilten sich zu Tode. In der anderen Familie fing man an zu reden. Man erzählte sich Witze und Geschichten. Die Familie hörte jetzt Musik, machte Spiele, sie luden wieder Freunde ein. - Nach vier Wochen bekamen beide Familien ihren Fernseher wieder. Das Ergebnis: Die eine Familie sitzt jetzt nach wie vor jeden Abend vor dem Bildschirm, die andere Familie macht jetzt lieber etwas zusammen, anstatt automatisch den Fernseher einzuschalten.
From G. Winkler, Komm Mit! (Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2000), 116.
Welche Aussage unterstützt die Hauptidee?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 7
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 4—Ability to read at an advanced level German passages on a variety of personal, social, and general topics
DIRECTIONS: Read the passage and select the correct response.
In Deutschland müssen Autofahrer, die an einer Ampel bei rot weiterfahren, eine hohe Geldstrafe zahlen und dürfen einen Monat lang nicht Auto fahren. Auch Raser, die innerhalb einer Stadt mehr als 30 Stundenkilometer über die erlaubte Höchstgeschwindigkeit fahren, müssen den Führerschein für einen Monat abgeben.
From Moeller, Liedloff, Adolph, Mabee, eds. Kaleidoskop (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1998).
Welches Verhalten wird finanziell bestraft?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 8
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 5—Knowledge of German vocabulary in areas of general interest and application of vocabulary skills
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the best English equivalent of the italicized words in this context.
Hans versteht sich gut mit allen Klassenkameraden. start italics Er kommt end italics wirklich start italics gut end italics bei anderen start italics an end italics . Alle haben ihn gern!
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 9
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 5—Knowledge of German vocabulary in areas of general interest and application of vocabulary skills
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the response which most precisely matches the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.
start underline Die Aussichten end underline für seinen zukünftigen Beruf sind im Moment sehr schlecht.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: A.
Question 10
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 5—Knowledge of German vocabulary in areas of general interest and application of vocabulary skills
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Study the following edited excerpt from a dictionary and choose the correct response.
sensitive/sensitively left paren adjective or adverb right paren 1. sensi'tiv ('über) empfindlich. 2. sen'sibel, empfindsam, feinfühlig. 3. veränderlich, schwankend: market econ.: schwankender Markt. 4. fig. a) empfindlich, b) bes. gefährdet, exponiert: spot : empfindliche Stelle, neuralgischer Punkt; a subject: ein heikles Thema. 5. biol. chem.: empfindlich, ea'gibel (to: auf, acc). 6. electr. phys. tech.: empfindlich; to shock: stoßempfindlich. 7. phot.: lichtempfindlich. 8. physiol.: sen'sorisch, example.: sensi'tiver oder sen'sibler Mensch.
From Langenscheidts Großwörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch (used with permission).
Which German word is the best equivalent for start italics sensitive end italics in the following sentence?
The problem of foreign workers is a sensitive issue in Germany.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 11
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 5—Knowledge of German vocabulary in areas of general interest and application of vocabulary skills
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
A student, Mathilde, arrives in a university town and wants to rent a room. She walks through a neighborhood and sees a sign on a house window: "Room for Rent." In German, the sign would say
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 12
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 5—Knowledge of German vocabulary in areas of general interest and application of vocabulary skills
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the best German translation of the italicized phrase.
Die Soldaten start italics hatten keine Wahl end italics . Sie wurden in den Krieg geschickt.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: A.
Question 13
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct form to fill in the blank.
Die Schwiegermutter blank ist aus Australien.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 14
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose an equivalent plural form to the underlined word.
Ich kann start underline jeden end underline Computer bedienen.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 15
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct grammatical description of the underlined phrase.
Ich habe start underline ihrer Mutter end underline die richtige Anschrift gegeben.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 16
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct form to fill in the blank.
"Wieso waren Sie gestern in der Stadt?"
"Ich musste erst einkaufen, und dann habe ich mir einen höchst blank Monsterfilm angesehen."
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 17
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct form to fill in the blank.
Jutta steht vor der Schule. Sie wartet blank , dass ihre Mutter sie abholt.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 18
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct form to fill in the blank.
Ich lese ein gutes Buch. Du blank ein langes Buch.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 19
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct form to fill in the blank.
Frau Mann schenkt Thomas und Heinrich einen Fotoapparat. Was blank ihr für die beiden kaufen?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: A.
Question 20
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct verb to fill in the blank.
Gerdas Mutter ist froh, dass ihre Tochter schon seit fünf Jahren Russisch blank .
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 21
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct form to fill in the blank.
Hans muss blank Freundin mit der Hausarbeit helfen.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 22
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct response.
Der Fernseher ist kaputt, und Sie können ihn nicht reparieren. Peter kann das, aber er ist auf einer Geschäftsreise. Was sagen Sie?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 23
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct form to fill in the blank.
Wenn er im Lotto gewonnen hätte, dann blank er seinen Job aufgeben können.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 24
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct word to fill in the blank.
Du sollst blank das Haar kämmen.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: A.
Question 25
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct form to fill in the blank.
Der Hund blank gewaschen.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 26
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct combination of forms to fill in the blanks.
Ich blank jeden Morgen um 8 Uhr blank .
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 27
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct form to fill in the blank.
Das ist alles, blank ich dazu sagen möchte.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 28
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct form to fill in the blank.
Ein Stuhl ist ein Möbelstück, blank man sitzt.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 29
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct word to fill in the blank.
Er hat nicht in die Schweiz blank wollen.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 30
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct form to fill in the blank.
Ist es erlaubt, eine Freundin zu der Party blank ?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 31
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct form to fill in the blank.
blank brav, Elke und Hans!
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 32
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct response.
Der Vater will, dass Thomas jetzt schlafen gehen soll. Was sagt der Vater?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 33
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct word to fill in the blank.
Von blank wurde start italics Der geteilte Himmel end italics geschrieben?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 34
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct word to fill in the blank.
Er hat blank Geld in der Tasche.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: A.
Question 35
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct form to fill in the blank.
Die Kinder müssen jetzt gehen, weil blank .
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: A.
Question 36
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct phrase to fill in the blank.
Kannst du mir bitte mein Buch zurückbringen?
Ja, sicher, ich bringe blank .
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 37
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 6—Knowledge of German grammar and syntax in context
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the correct word to fill in the blank.
Wir fliegen nicht nach Paris, blank nach München.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 38
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 7—Knowledge of the culture, social customs, and daily life of German-speaking countries
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
In deutschen Restaurants
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: A.
Question 39
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 7—Knowledge of the culture, social customs, and daily life of German-speaking countries
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
If a German, Michael Ende, happened to meet his close friend, Jörg Mayer, on the street in Germany, he would probably say,
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: A.
Question 40
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 7—Knowledge of the culture, social customs, and daily life of German-speaking countries
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
S P D ist die Abkürzung für
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 41
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 7—Knowledge of the culture, social customs, and daily life of German-speaking countries
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
What socially acceptable practice in the German-speaking world would be very unusual in the United States?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 42
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 7—Knowledge of the culture, social customs, and daily life of German-speaking countries
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Who is one of the founders of the Bauhaus?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 43
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 8—Knowledge of history and geography of German-speaking countries
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
What is the significance of the Teutoburger Wald?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 44
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 8—Knowledge of history and geography of German-speaking countries
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
The German city of Köln was founded by the
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: A.
Question 45
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 9—Knowledge of arts and sciences in German-speaking countries
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Choose the statement that best describes Franz Kafka's literary work.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 46
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 9—Knowledge of arts and sciences in German-speaking countries
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Which two German writers are most closely associated with the city of Weimar?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 47
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 9—Knowledge of arts and sciences in German-speaking countries
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Select the character from Das Nibelungenlied.
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: A.
Question 48
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 9—Knowledge of arts and sciences in German-speaking countries
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Which scientist discovered rays, which were named after him, and received the Nobel Prize for physics in 1901?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 49
Multiple Choice Section
Competency 10—Pedagogy and professional knowledge
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct reponse.
Which method requires the student to use the target language from the beginning of the instruction?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: A.