Requesting a Copy of Your Score Report
You can access your score report in your account. Score reports released beginning January 2014 will be available in examinee accounts. You can also access your complete FTCE/FELE testing history, reported as pass/not pass status, any time in your account.
Examinees who tested prior to 2014 may request a duplicate of your score report(s)
by submitting a completed
Duplicate Score Report Request Form
with the correct payment. The duplicate report will be either posted to your account
on this site or sent as a hardcopy via U.S. mail. You will receive your duplicate
score report in approximately 2 weeks.
If you do not receive your duplicate score report or if the report is incomplete or contains an error, report this promptly to FTCE/FELE Customer Service. A complete and correct score report will be made available as soon as possible.
If you notify Customer Service of an error after the duplicate score report is made available or if the error on the report is due to incorrect information you provided, you may be required to pay another $10 for each corrected score report.