Spanish K–12
For Testing until 9/30/2023
Writing Section
Test Format and Sample Questions
The Spanish K to 12 subject area test consists of sections that test your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills; your knowledge of Spanish-speaking cultures; of Spanish language structure and vocabulary; and of effective teaching and learning strategies based on second language acquisition principles. The test includes approximately 86 questions, and you will have two-and-one-half hours to complete the entire test.
Table of Question Formats
Scoring Criteria: Writing
The essay will be scored by two raters. The raters will use the criteria listed below when evaluating your essay. The score you receive for your essay is the combined total of the two raters' scores. The personal views you express will not be an issue; however, your use of vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and idiomatic expressions will be very important to the scoring. Scoring criteria will include, but are not limited to, demonstration of mastery of several verb tenses, subject-verb and noun-adjective agreement, word order, and spelling.
An essay of clearly insufficient length (less than half the suggested length) or with excessive repetitions will be rated a 3 or lower. An essay that fails to treat the topic will automatically be rated a 1. The coherence or organization of the essay may be the deciding factor in the case of a borderline rating.
Directions: Writing
Write an essay in Spanish of approximately 150 words (4,000 characters) on the topic presented on the next screen.
You must write an start underline original essay that specifically and directly responds to the topic end underline . Pre-prepared essays or essays that are discovered to contain memorized sentences or pre-prepared passages will be invalidated. For example, if the essay raters discover passages that appear in two or more essays, the essays and the violation will be brought to the attention of the Florida Department of Education and may result in the invalidation of your scores.
The essay will be scored by two raters. The personal views you express will not be an issue; however, your use of vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and idiomatic expressions will be very important to the scoring. Scoring criteria will include, but are not limited to, demonstration of mastery of several verb tenses, subject-verb and noun-adjective agreement, word order, and spelling.
Take a few minutes to organize your thoughts and plan your essay. Leave time for editing and revising after you have completed your essay. You may outline or plan your essay on the erasable noteboard provided. Your informal outline or plan will start bold not end bold be scored.
Twenty minutes is the recommended time to complete your essay.
To access special characters as you type your essay, refer to the
reference sheet
provided by your proctor.
Sample Essay Topic 1
start bold State and support your opinion about the role of the arts in contemporary society.
In the box provided below, please write your start uppercase ORIGINAL end uppercase essay based on the topic presented. Note that you are limited to 4,000 characters. As you type your response, a character count will appear at the bottom of the response box. end bold
Sample Essay Topic 2
start bold Describe how one particular experience changed your perspective or attitude.
In the box provided below, please write your start uppercase ORIGINAL end uppercase essay based on the topic presented. Note that you are limited to 4,000 characters. As you type your response, a character count will appear at the bottom of the response box. end bold