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Competencies and Skills and Blueprint

The test design below describes general testing information. The blueprints that follow provide a detailed outline that explains the competencies and skills that this test measures.

Test Design

table describing the format of the test, including test time, number of questions, and required passing score
Format Computer-based test (CBT)
Number of Questions Approximately 80 multiple-choice questions
Time 2 hours and 30 minutes
Passing Score A scaled score of at least 200


Competencies, Skills, and Approximate Percentages of Questions

Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table below.

table describing the competencies, skills, and approximate percentage of each competency's weight toward overall test score
Competency Approximate Percentage of Total Test Questions
1 Knowledge of culture as a factor in English language learners' (ELLs') learning 12%
2 Knowledge of language as a system 10%
3 Knowledge of language acquisition and development 14%
4 Knowledge of second language literacy development 10%
5 Knowledge of ESL/ESOL research, history, public policy, and current practices 10%
6 Knowledge of standards-based ESOL and content instruction 10%
7 Knowledge of resources and technologies 10%
8 Knowledge of planning standards-based instruction of ELLs 10%
9 Knowledge of language proficiency assessments, classroom-based assessments, and assessment issues for ELLs 14%

Competencies and Skills

Competency 1—Knowledge of culture as a factor in English language learners' (ELLs') learning
  1. Analyze elements of culture and their impact on the instruction of ELLs.

  2. Identify ways that participation, learning, and behavior can be affected by ELLs' culture (e.g., family, religion, socioeconomic status).

  3. Identify phases and distinguish among characteristics of cultural adaptation (e.g., assimilation, acculturation).

  4. Select a variety of resources to obtain information about the cultural background and experiences of ELLs and their families to guide curriculum development and instruction.

  5. Identify and apply strategies to foster multicultural sensitivity and inclusiveness in the classroom.

  6. Identify ways home-school connections build partnerships with ELLs' families.

  7. Analyze social issues and trends (e.g., immigration, immigration policies) that may affect ELLs' learning.

Competency 2—Knowledge of language as a system
  1. Analyze principles of phonology and morphology.

  2. Analyze principles of semantics and syntax.

  3. Analyze principles of pragmatics and discourse.

  4. Identify and apply appropriate forms of the English language for different purposes or contexts (e.g., formal, informal, social, academic).

  5. Select a variety of resources to obtain information about the home languages of ELLs.

Competency 3—Knowledge of language acquisition and development
  1. Identify major theories and processes of first and second language acquisition that inform classroom practices and may affect student learning.

  2. Identify characteristics of research-based models of instruction (e.g., dual-language, sheltered).

  3. Identify factors that influence the development of bilingualism and biliteracy.

  4. Identify how ELLs' literacy and oracy in the home language serve as a foundation for learning English.

  5. Determine internal factors (e.g., age, motivation, prior knowledge) and external factors (e.g., social, cultural, political) that may affect ELLs' learning.

  6. Distinguish characteristics of social language and academic language.

  7. Identify sources of ELLs' errors to guide effective instruction.

  8. Identify language functions (e.g., communicating needs, purposes, and desires) of spoken and written English to facilitate English language acquisition.

  9. Distinguish between the characteristics of ELLs in the natural process of acquiring English and ELLs with exceptionalities.

  10. Identify characteristics of ELLs who are gifted and talented.

Competency 4—Knowledge of second language literacy development
  1. Determine and apply current theories of second language reading and writing development at varying English proficiency levels.

  2. Identify how ELLs' L1 oral language influences the development of English language skills.

  3. Identify how ELLs' L1 literacy and home literacy practices influence the development of English language skills.

Competency 5—Knowledge of ESL/ESOL research, history, public policy, and current practices
  1. Identify past and present approaches to ESOL instruction (e.g., grammar-translation, audio-lingual, TPR, SIOP).

  2. Identify major researchers and their influence on best practices in second language and literacy instruction.

  3. Evaluate appropriate research-based models of instruction for ELLs.

  4. Identify major federal and state court decisions, laws, and policies that have affected the education of ELLs.

  5. Apply the sections and requirements of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) et al. v. State Board of Education Consent Decree, 1990 (i.e., 1990 Florida Consent Decree, September 2003 Modification to the Consent Decree) to specific situations.

Competency 6—Knowledge of standards-based ESOL and content instruction
  1. Select standards-based instruction to develop ELLs' English listening and speaking skills for a variety of academic and social purposes.

  2. Apply standards-based reading and writing instruction for ELLs at varying English proficiency levels for a variety of academic and social purposes.

  3. Select activities, tasks, and assignments that develop authentic uses of English language and literacy to assist ELLs in learning academic language and content.

  4. Apply instructional strategies that incorporate ELLs' funds of knowledge to facilitate content area learning.

  5. Identify appropriate adaptations of curricular materials and modification of instruction according to an ELL's level of English proficiency and prior knowledge.

Competency 7—Knowledge of resources and technologies
  1. Evaluate and select culturally responsive, age-appropriate, and linguistically accessible materials, including L1 resources, for ELLs' English language and literacy development.

  2. Apply strategies for incorporating technological resources and digital tools, including assistive technology, to enhance language and content area instruction and digital literacy skills for ELLs.

  3. Identify effective means of collaboration with school-based, district, and community resources to advocate for equitable access for ELLs.

  4. Identify major professional organizations, publications, and resources that support continuing education for teachers of ELLs.

Competency 8—Knowledge of planning standards-based instruction of ELLs
  1. Apply appropriate language objectives and state-approved content-based standards to plan instruction for ELLs at varying English proficiency levels and prior formal educational backgrounds.

  2. Identify characteristics of collaborative, student-centered classroom environments that engage and challenge diverse learners.

  3. Choose appropriate methods of differentiation for ELLs' learning, including techniques for scaffolding and providing context, based on English proficiency levels.

Competency 9—Knowledge of language proficiency assessments, classroom-based assessments, and assessment issues for ELLs
  1. Identify the district, state, and federal requirements for identification, reclassification, and exit of ELLs from ESOL programs.

  2. Interpret results from formal and informal assessments to guide instruction for ELLs.

  3. Identify effective ways to communicate with stakeholders (e.g., primary caregivers, school and district staff, community members) about assessment outcomes that guide policy and instructional practice.

  4. Identify appropriate use of alternative assessments (e.g., authentic, performance based, peer- and self-assessments) and instruments (e.g., checklists, rubrics, anecdotal records) to evaluate ELLs at varying English proficiency levels.

  5. Identify appropriate test-taking skills and strategies for formal assessments to support ELLs.

  6. Determine appropriate ways to adapt formal and informal assessments according to ELLs' English proficiency levels.

  7. Identify factors such as cultural and linguistic bias that affect the reliability and validity of assessments for ELLs.

  8. Select formal and informal assessments to measure progress in oral language, literacy, and academic achievement.

  9. Identify appropriate accommodations during formal and informal assessments of ELLs.