Deaf or Hard of Hearing K to 12
Test Format and Sample Questions
The Deaf or Hard of Hearing K to 12 subject area test consists of approximately 80 multiple-choice questions.You will have two and one-half hours to complete the test.
Each of the questions will contain four response options, and you will indicate your answer by selecting A, B, C, or D.
The table below presents types of questions on the exam and directs you to examples of these formats among the sample items that follow.
Table of Question Formats
Type of Question | Sample Question |
Direct Question Choose the response option that best answers the question. |
Question 1 |
Scenario Examine a situation, problem, or case study. Then answer a question, make a diagnosis, or recommend a course of action by selecting the best response option. |
Question 3 |
Sentence Completion Select the response option that best completes the sentence. |
Question 6 |
Video After viewing a video of a person signing a basic message in English-based signs or ASL (American Sign Language), select the response option that most closely corresponds to the sentence or sentences signed on the video. For exams delivered through September 30, 2023, the message will be signed twice. You will then have 20 seconds to select the response that most closely corresponds to the sentence or sentences signed on the video. Note that the video will automatically play when advancing to the question and video controls (pause, stop, replay) are disabled. After the 20 seconds allotted to select a response, you will be automatically advanced to the next question. You will NOT be able to return to the previous question so be sure to indicate your response in the 20 seconds provided. Beginning October 1, 2023, you will control the playing of the video and will have two (2) opportunities to view each video. Once the second play has begun, you will not be able to replay the video again. You may return to and review questions; however, the number of video playbacks is limited, so you may not be able to replay video upon return to the questions (e.g., if you have already viewed the video clip twice, you will not be able to replay it again). |
this cell intentionally left blank. |
Sample Questions
The following questions represent both the form and content of questions on the examination. These questions will acquaint you with the general format of the examination; however, these sample questions do not cover all of the competencies and skills that are tested and will only approximate the degree of examination difficulty.
Question 1
Competency 1—Knowledge of philosophical, historical, legal, and educational foundations in the field of deaf education
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
Which of the following examples best illustrates an ASL/English bilingual education communication model being used in the classroom?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 2
Competency 1—Knowledge of philosophical, historical, legal, and educational foundations in the field of deaf education
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
According to IDEA 2004, at what age must goals in a transition I E P begin to be implemented?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 3
Competency 1—Knowledge of philosophical, historical, legal, and educational foundations in the field of deaf education
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
A high school student who is auditory-oral has a progressive hearing loss that is deteriorating rapidly and the student is about to graduate. The teacher notices that the student is becoming more isolated and is not engaging with other students. The parent or guardian contacts the teacher for assistance regarding colleges that support students who are deaf or hard of hearing in academic development and social-emotional well being.
Which of the following resources would be most appropriate for the teacher to suggest?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 4
Competency 1—Knowledge of philosophical, historical, legal, and educational foundations in the field of deaf education
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
In combination with improving the acoustic conditions of the classroom, which of the following technologies will best allow a student with a mild unilateral hearing loss optimal access to the teacher's spoken instructions?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 5
Competency 2—Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the auditory system and of hearing loss
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
Which of the following organs of the auditory mechanism collects sound waves from the environment?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: A.
Question 6
Competency 2—Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the auditory system and of hearing loss
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
The primary purpose of the tympanic membrane is to
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 7
Competency 2—Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the auditory system and of hearing loss
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
Which of the following statements is most characteristic of a cause of a sensorineural hearing loss as opposed to a conductive hearing loss?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 8
Competency 3—Knowledge of language development and
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
A 2-year-old child says, “Mommy, up” and “more juice.” Which of the following stages of language development do these utterances most appropriately illustrate?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 9
Competency 3—Knowledge of language development and
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
A child who is prelingually deaf has recently received a cochlear implant and is receiving auditory verbal therapy. Which of the following activities is most appropriate to use during the initial auditory training sessions with the child?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 10
Competency 3—Knowledge of language development and communication
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
Which of the following methods of teaching speech to students who are deafblind emphasizes the use of vibrotactile information?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 11
Competency 3—Knowledge of language development and communication
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
A 4-year-old child was diagnosed with a profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss at age 2. The child received a cochlear implant at age 3.5 years. The family is pursuing listening and spoken language outcomes for the child. At dinnertime, the child listens to and watches the parent prepare chicken and slice potatoes and vegetables while the parent talks about the actions—"First let’s sprinkle salt and pepper on the chicken. What other spice should we use? The potatoes and vegetables have to be washed before slicing and chopping.”
Which of the following skills is the parent most likely promoting here?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 12
Competency 3—Knowledge of language development and communication
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
A student who is deaf or hard of hearing has an I E P that states the need for visual supports within the classroom. How can the teacher most appropriately accommodate this student when teaching new vocabulary?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 13
Competency 4—Knowledge of ASL and Deaf Culture
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
Which of the following statements most accurately explains why ASL storytelling is important in the Deaf Community?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 14
Competency 4—Knowledge of ASL and Deaf Culture
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
Which of the following situations best describes the primary reason for significant regional variation of signs in ASL?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: A.
Question 15
Competency 4—Knowledge of ASL and Deaf Culture
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
Which of the following steps should be taken first when creating a new arrangement for a classroom that includes a student who is deaf or hard of hearing and a sign language interpreter?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 16
Competency 4—Knowledge of ASL and Deaf Culture
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
When differentiating between verbs and nouns in ASL, for example CUT and SCISSORS, the signer makes which of the following distinctions?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 17
Competency 5—Knowledge of the design, development, and implementation of the Individual Family Service Plan, IEP, Transition Individual Education Plan, and Communication Plan
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
According to the Florida Administrative Code, a student who is D/deaf or hard of hearing may be provided specialized instruction or services as an exceptional student only after the
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: A.
Question 18
Competency 5—Knowledge of the design, development, and implementation of the Individual Family Service Plan, IEP, Transition Individual Education Plan, and Communication Plan
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
In addition to the audiological, social-emotional, and academic evaluations of students over age 7, which of the following must also be considered in determining eligibility for ESE services based on Florida Rule 6A-6.0313, under the category of Deaf or Hard of Hearing?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 19
Competency 5—Knowledge of the design, development, and implementation of the Individual Family Service Plan, IEP, Transition Individual Education Plan, and Communication Plan
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
An interpreter whose communication skills include transliterating can
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 20
Competency 5—Knowledge of the design, development, and implementation of the Individual Family Service Plan, IEP, Transition Individual Education Plan, and Communication Plan
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
Which of the following statements most accurately describes the primary difference between a due process hearing and a state complaint procedure as per the regulations for Part B of the IDEA?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 21
Competency 5—Knowledge of the design, development, and implementation of the Individual Family Service Plan, I E P , Transition Individual Education Plan, and Communication Plan
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
A new student who is deaf or hard of hearing has a home language of Spanish. The student relies on speechreading in Spanish for receptive communication. Which of the following considerations should the teacher of students who are deaf or hard of hearing address in the student’s Communication Plan?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 22
Competency 6—Knowledge of formal and informal assessments
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
Based on the following audiogram and using the conventional three-frequency averaging method, select the correct interpretation of pure tone average for the right ear by air conduction.
The audiogram graph displays a 6 by 13 grid. The horizontal axis is along the top of the graph and starts at 125 and ends at 8000. The tick marks are labeled from left to right at 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000.
The vertical axis is on the the left side of the graph and the numbers increase in the downward direction. The numbers start at 0 and end at 130. The tick marks start at the top left corner and move downward labeled in increments of 10; 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130.
There two lines on the graph that consist of line segments.
The graph of the one line is identified by a circle with an X inside at the following points. The points are indicated by an ordered pair (horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate). Straight line segments connect these points.
(125, 10)
(250, 20)
(500, 50)
(1000, 80)
(2000, 80)
(4000, 90)
(8000, 70)
The other line is identified with an X at the following points. Straight line segments connect these points.These points are also indicated by an ordered pair (horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate).
(125, 17)
(250, 20)
(500, 30)
(1000, 60)
(2000, 60)
(4000, 60)
(8000, 60)
The two graphs intersect at the point (250, 20).
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 23
Competency 6—Knowledge of formal and informal assessments
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
The screening most frequently used to detect hearing loss in newborns or infants is
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 24
Competency 6—Knowledge of formal and informal assessments
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
A teacher of students who are D/deaf or hard of hearing is assessing the receptive vocabulary of a 4-year-old student who is hard of hearing and whose only mode of communication is spoken language. Which of the following instruments would be the most appropriate to use for this task?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C.
Question 25
Competency 6—Knowledge of formal and informal assessments
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
Which of the following statements most appropriately describes the primary advantage of teachers using video relay service with parents or guardians who are deaf and use ASL when communicating about their child who is deaf or hard of hearing ?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 26
Competency 7—Knowledge of instructional strategies, accommodations, and modifications
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
Which of the following actions should a teacher of students who are deaf or hard of hearing take in order to ensure that all students have access to safety notifications within the classroom?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B.
Question 27
Competency 7—Knowledge of instructional strategies, accommodations, and modifications
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
Which of the following accommodations or modifications would be most effective for a high school student who is deaf or hard of hearing and who has difficulty focusing on and processing auditory instruction during large-group on-screen visual presentations?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 28
Competency 7—Knowledge of instructional strategies, accommodations, and modifications
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
Which of the following statements describes the primary benefit of using a Total Communication approach for providing instruction to a student who is deaf or hard of hearing and whose preferred mode of communication is Signed English?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 29
Competency 7—Knowledge of instructional strategies, accommodations, and modifications
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
As part of a social studies lesson focusing on the Thirteen Colonies, a teacher of students who are deaf or hard of hearing wants to assess the prior knowledge of the students. Which of the following strategies would most effectively assess students' prior knowledge?
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D.
Question 30
Competency 7—Knowledge of instructional strategies, accommodations, and modifications
DIRECTIONS: Read the item and select the best response.
Which of the following strategies would be most effective in promoting the development of self-advocacy in a 1st-grade student who is deaf or hard of hearing ?
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- Correct Response: C.